Early New England Research

Early New England Research

Laressa Northrup will present an overview of immigration to New England prior to the Revolutionary war. Coverage will include general statistics, information on various jurisdictions in New England, and types of records to

search for. Find out where immigrants to New England came from and unique records that were kept during this time period. will present an overview of immigration to New England prior to the Revolutionary war. Coverage will include general statistics, information on various jurisdictions in New England, and types of records to search for. Find out where immigrants to New England came from and unique records that were kept during this time period.

Laressa Northrup has been interested in family history since 1978. She holds advanced certificates from the National Institute of Genealogical Studies in US genealogy, Canadian genealogy, and English genealogy. Her specific interests are New York, Pennsylvania, Religious Research, and Photographs.

This is a virtual meeting via Zoom. Register now at this link:


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