Our June Meeting Will Be Hybrid

“Finding Courage to Accept the Good, the Bad and the Unexpected in your Family History”

We hope all our local members will join us on June 4 at 7 p.m. at St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 5500 N Adams Rd, Troy, MI 48098. We will be “broadcasting” via Zoom for our more distant members.

A case study will be presented by genealogist Karen Batchelor on lessons learned and wisdom gained from over 45 years of researching her unique family history with its many surprising twists and turns.

This will be a  hybrid meeting and we hope to see our local members in person!
Our more distant members may join us via Zoom. This will be a learning experience for all of us.

If you cannot attend in person, register to watch on Zoom here:

Our speaker, Karen Bachelor, a Detroit attorney is recognized as the first know black member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.