Family Files

Genealogical information regarding families with Oakland County connections is posted here as received.
Mrs. Helen Brieske has shared her research of the Jacob and Hannah Lake descendants, who have an Oakland County connection. Her file can be viewed or downloaded here.
Thank you , Mrs. Brieske
Thank you to Mary Ann Schaefer of Boulder, Colorado for the following files:
  • Paternal Ancestors of Sarah Mann Dodder 1835-1916.  The third generation of Mann’s are the ones who migrated to Oakland County, which you can see in the family group sheets inserted in third and fourth generations. Download the file.
  • A Study of Two Men Name Jacob Summers in Macomb and Oakland Counties, MI 1830-1865Download the File.
  • Descendants of Johannes “John” Summers Esq. and Anna Van Deren.  This couple had five sons, who in turn had 40 children between them all, and over 30 of those individuals along with their families all migrated to Macomb and Oakland in 1830s. Download the file.
  • Addressing Misinformation – Michigan Summers.  Anybody researching the Summers family in Oakland and Macomb is likely to run into these sources which are very misleading, so research carefully! Download the file.

Our thanks to Vicki Chambers who has contributed a file relating her research of the Chambers Family, with Oakland County Connections. Download or view the file here.