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Provides many instances of names of parents, children, places of marriage, maiden names, as well as those giving depositions, witnesses to abuse, and neighbors who assisted run-away. 8 1/2 x 11, published 8/2002, soft cover comb binding, indexed. You will be allowed to download twice within a 48 hour period. Be sure to access your email and download the product soon after purchase. -- No returns or refunds
Price: $18.00
Established in 1932 in Highland Park, this funeral home served many English, Cornish and Welsh miners who moved to Highland Park area after the mines in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula closed. Includes name of deceased, and others in records (spouse, children, siblings, etc) Volume 1, 1933-1942. Available as a download only. You will be allowed to download twice within a 48 hour period. Be sure to access your email and download the product soon after purchase. -- No returns or refunds
Available Qty: 1000
Price: $10.00
Established in 1932 in Highland Park, this funeral home served many English, Cornish and Welsh miners who moved to Highland Park area after the mines in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula closed. Includes name of deceased, and others in records (spouse, children, siblings, etc). Volume 2,1943-1945, 97 pages, digital download only. You will be allowed to download twice within a 48 hour period. Be sure to access your email and download the product soon after purchase. -- No returns or refunds
Available Qty: 1000
Price: $10.00
Established in 1932 in Highland Park, this funeral home served many English, Cornish and Welsh miners who moved to Highland Park area after the mines in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula closed. Includes name of deceased, and others in records (spouse, children, siblings, etc)., 1946-1949, 182 pages. Indexed You will be allowed to download twice within a 48 hour period. Be sure to access your email and download the product soon after purchase. -- No returns or refunds
Available Qty: 1000
Price: $10.00
Established in 1932 in Highland Park, this funeral home served many English, Cornish and Welsh miners who moved to Highland Park area after the mines in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula closed. Includes name of deceased, and others in records (spouse, children, siblings, etc)., 1950-1953. Published 7/2009. You will be allowed to download twice within a 48 hour period. Be sure to access your email and download the product soon after purchase. -- No returns or refunds
Price: $10.00
Includes declarations of intention and final papers for over 4000 early settlers, dates of papers, place of original declaration if other than Oakland County, country of origin, & names of those giving oath for applicant. 125 pages. You will be allowed to download twice within a 48 hour period. Be sure to access your email and download the product soon after purchase. -- No returns or refunds
Available Qty: 996
Price: $9.00
Over 2700 marriage returns from the Oakland County courthouse. Alphabetical with brides under maiden name, previous married name and cross-referenced to groom. Provides names of couple, ages, residence, date and place of marriage, person officiating, witnesses; amount of data varies. Later records add birthplace, groom’s occupation. 225 pages. --No returns or refunds
Available Qty: 998
Price: $20.00
Early Records of the Church, 1850-1935. 89 pages plus index. -- Digital Download -- No returns or refunds. You will receive a download link in your email, please download immediately.
Price: $2.00